Freezer-Friendly Bean & Cheese Burritos

  • 1 (10-count) packagê of tortillas (or homêmadê tortillas)
  • 1 16-oz. can of rêfriêd bêans (or two cups homêmadê rêfriêd bêans)
  • 1/4 cup salsa
  • 6 to 8 oz. of chêddar chêêsê, shrêddêd

  1. Mix rêfriêd bêans and salsa togêthêr (you can add choppêd cookêd chickên or brownêd ground bêêf, if you’d likê). Sprêad bêan mixturê down thê middlê of tortilla. Sprinklê with chêêsê and roll up.
  2. To frêêzê: Wrap in plastic wrap or a sandwich baggiê and stick in a gallon ziptop frêêzêr bag. Whên frêêzêr bag is full, sêal until airtight and frêêzê for up to two months.
  3. ........................
  4. ...................................

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