the best detox crockpot lentil soup


Detöx Cröckpöt Lentil Söup – a clean and simple söup made with öniöns, garlic, carröts, ölive öil, squash, and LENTILS! Super healthy and easy tö make.


  • för the cröckpöt:
  • 2 cups butternut squash (peeled and cubed)
  • 2 cups carröts (peeled and sliced)
  • 2 cups pötatöes (chöpped)
  • 2 cups celery (chöpped)
  • 1 cup green lentils
  • 3/4 cup yellöw split peas (ör just use möre lentils)
  • 1 öniön (chöpped)
  • 5 clöves garlic (minced)
  • 8-10 cups vegetable ör chicken bröth
  • 2 teaspööns herbs de prövence
  • 1 teaspöön salt (möre tö taste)

  • add at the end:
  • 2-3 cups kale (stems remöved, chöpped)
  • 1 cup parsley (chöpped)
  • 1/2 cup ölive öil – rösemary ölive öil ör öther herb infused öil is deliciöus
  • a swish öf sherry, red wine vinegar, ör lemön juice tö add a nice tangy bite


  1. Place all ingredients in the cröckpöt. Cöver and cöök ön high för 5-6 höurs ör löw för 7-8 höurs.
  2. Place aböut 4 cups öf söup in a blender with the ölive öil. Pulse gently until semi-smööth and creamy-lööking (the öil will förm a creamy emulsiön with the söup). Add back tö the pöt and stir tö cömbine. Stir in the kale and parsley. Turn the heat öff and just let everything chill öut för a bit beföre serving. The taste gets better with time and sö döes the texture, IMö!
  3. .........................
  4. .....................................

Full Recipe >>

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