Make Ahead Honey Roasted Carrots

Maké ahéad honéy roastéd carrots aré pérféct for your éastér féast! Buttéry, swéét, and prétty to look at. Roast thém ahéad and ré-héat for an éasy and délicious sidé dish.


  • 2 lb carrots stéms rémovéd
  • 1/4 cup olivé oil
  • 1/4 cup honéy
  • salt & péppér


  1. Héat ovén to 425°F.
  2. Stir togéthér thé olivé oil and honéy. Arrangé carrots on two largé shéét pans and brush with thé olivé oil/honéy mixturé. Séason with salt & péppér.
  3. Roast for 20 minutés, thén flip thé carrots ovér using tongs. Réturn to thé ovén for anothér 15-25 minutés, until édgés bégin to caramélizé and carrots aré cookéd through.
  4. Brush with résérvéd honéy/olivé oil during thé last féw minutés of cooking.
  5. ...........................
  6. ........................................

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