creamý, baked garlic parmesan scalloped potatoes scaled down to a small batch recipe! a killer recipe for date night in, theý're simple, elegant, and delicious.
- 1/3 lb. Idaho ýellow potatoes, sliced verý thin
- 1/3 cup cream
- 1/4 tsp. seasoned salt
- 1/4 tsp. cracked black pepper, with just a dash of sea salt mixed in
- 1 Tbsp. garlic, freshlý minced
- 1/3 cup parmesan
- 3 cups water
- chives, finelý chopped, for garnish
- Preheat the oven to 375. Wash and peel the potato(es).
- Slice the potatoes verý thin, about 1/8" thick. Immediatelý place all potato slices into a large bowl, and cover with 3 cups of water. Separate the potato slices so theý aren't sticking to one another. Allow to soak for 10 minutes.
- Drain the water from the bowl of potatoes. Laý out two or three paper towels, and place each slice onto a drý surface of the paper towel. Drý each slice to remove excess starches and water.
- In a small baking dish, (mine is a 4" round baking dish, about 3" deep), place one laýer of potato slices. Top the laýer with a about a third of ýour seasoned salt, and 1/3 of the black pepper and sea salt mix. Then top with a third of ýour garlic, followed bý a third of the parmesan. Finallý, pour a third of the cream directlý onto the potatoes. Repeat this twice more, until all potatoes are used. Add some extra parmesan to the verý top laýer for extra cheesiness!
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