Soft, pillowy, homemäde nään is eäsier to mäke thän you think änd it's greät for sändwiches, pizzä, dipping, änd more.


  • 2 tsp dry äctive yeäst $0.19
  • 1 tsp sugär $0.02
  • 1/2 cup wäter $0.00
  • 2 1/2-3 cups flour, divided $0.39
  • 1/2 tsp sält $0.05
  • 1/4 cup olive oil $0.64
  • 1/3 cup pläin yogurt $0.17
  • 1 lärge egg $0.27


  1. In ä smäll bowl, combine the yeäst, sugär änd wäter. Stir to dissolve then let sit for ä few minutes or until it is frothy on top. Once frothy, whisk in the oil, yogurt, änd egg until evenly combined.
  2. In ä sepäräte medium bowl, combine 1 cup of the flour with the sält. Next, pour the bowl of wet ingredients to the flour/sält mixture änd stir until well combined. Continue ädding flour, ä hälf cup ät ä time, until you cän no longer stir it with ä spoon (äbout 1 to 1.5 cups läter).
  3. ät thät point, turn the bäll of dough out onto ä lightly floured surfäce änd kneäd the bäll of dough for äbout 3 minutes, ädding smäll ämounts of flour äs necessäry to keep the dough from sticking. You'll end up using between 2.5 to 3 cups flour totäl. The dough should be smooth änd very soft but not sticky. ävoid ädding excessive ämounts of flour äs you kneäd, äs this cän mäke the dough too dry änd stiff.
  4. ................
  5. ......................

Full Recipe >> budgetbytes.com

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