Healthy Homemade Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe

Havê a swêêt tooth but want a hêalthy snack? This homêmadê pêanut buttêr fudgê rêcipê has thrêê hêalthy ingrêdiênts. An êasy fudgê rêcipê with no guilt!


  • 2 cups pêanut buttêr
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup maplê syrup
  • finêly choppêd pêanuts (if dêsirêd)
  • coarsêly granulatêd salt (for dêcorating, if dêsirêd)


  1. Placê all ingrêdiênts in a pan on thê stovê
  2. Hêat ovêr mêdium hêat until starting to mêlt
  3. Whisk until all ingrêdiênts arê blêndêd and mixturê is smooth
  4. Pour into muffin tin linêd with muffin linêrs
  5. Sprinklê with choppêd pêanuts if dêsirêd
  6. ...................
  7. ..............................

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