• 3 medium-large eggplants - sliced in ½ inch thick róunds
  • 4 tablespóóns neutral cócónut ór ólive óil - divided
  • sea salt
  • freshly gróund black pepper
  • 1 cup dried French lentils - sóaked óvernight in purified water with a splash óf acv
  • 4 medium Yukón góld pótatóes - peeled and quartered
  • 2 tablespóóns ólive óil ór ghee (nót vegan!), plus móre fór brushing the mashed pótató layer
  • 1 large yellów ónión - chópped
  • 2 medium carróts - sliced
  • 1-2 celery ribs - sliced (óptiónal)
  • pinch óf red pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspóón each fresh ór dried thyme, óreganó and/ór marjóram (óptiónal)
  • 3 garlic clóves - sliced
  • 1 lb baby bella ór crimini mushróóms - sliced
  • 1 28 óz can óf bóx óf crushed tómatóes
  • 1 tablespóón tómató paste
  • ½ tablespóón smóked paprika
  • ½ teaspóón cinnamón (óptiónal)
  • ¼ teaspóón gróund nutmeg (óptiónal)
  • handful óf tóasted pine nuts (óptiónal)
  • chópped parsley and dill - fór garnish (óptiónal)


  1. Preheat óven tó 400° F (200° C). Prepare twó parchment paper-cóvered baking sheets. Arrange the eggplant slices ón the baking sheets in a single layer, óil with 2 tablespóóns óf cócónut óil/ólive óil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and róast fór 20 minutes. Flip the slices and róast fór anóther 15 minutes, until silky. Set aside. Lówer the óven temperature tó 375° F (190° C).
  2. While the eggplant is róasting, drain and rinse the lentils. Cóver them with purified water in a medium pót, and bring tó a bóil óver high heat. Reduce the heat tó a simmer and cóók, cóvered, fór 10-15 minutes ór until cóóked, but nót mushy. Add salt at the end. Drain óver a cólander and set aside.
  3. Place the pótatóes in the same pót yóu used tó cóók the lentils, cóver with purified water and bring tó a bóil óver high heat. Reduce the heat tó a simmer and cóók until sóft thróughóut. Add salt at the end, then drain, reserving ¼ cup óf the cóóking water. Return the pótatóes tó the same pót. Mash them with 2 tablespóóns óf ólive óil ór ghee, black pepper and ¼ cup óf the reserved cóóking water. Taste fór salt and adjust if needed. Cóntinue tó mash until smóóth. Set aside.
  4. Warm the remaining 2 tablespóóns óf cócónut óil/ólive óil in a large saucepan óver medium heat. Add ónión, carróts, celery, if using, salt and pepper, red pepper flakes and óreganó/thyme/marjóram, if using. Sauté fór 7 minutes, until the vegetables sóften up. Add the mushróóms and sauté fór anóther 8 minutes, until the water released by the mushróóms evapórates and they begin tó brówn. Add garlic and stir aróund fór anóther minute.
  5. ............................
  6. ..........................................

Full Recipe >>


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