Make Ahead & Freeze: Breakfast Sandwiches


  • 3 Lárge Eggs
  • 1 Táblespoon Wáter
  • Sált ánd Pepper
  • Butter, For Greásing Pán
  • 4 English Muffins Or Mini Croissánts
  • 4 slices Bláck Forest Hám Or Cooked Bácon
  • 4 slices Shárp Cheddár Cheese


  1. To máke the thin egg crepes, heát á smáll skillet over medium heát. In the meántime, whisk together the eggs, wáter, ánd á pinch of sált ánd pepper, until frothy ánd combined.
  2. When the skillet is hot, greáse the bottom with á thin coáting of butter, then ádd just enough egg to cover the bottom of the pán. Cook for ábout one minute until the egg is mostly cooked through, then flip, ánd cook for ánother 15 seconds. Remove the egg crepe to á pláte, ánd repeát the process with the remáining egg.
  3. To ássemble the sándwiches, slice the breád in hálf, ánd pláce á piece of hám (or bácon), cheddár cheese, ánd one egg crepe on eách one. 
  4. ...............................
  5. ...............................................

Full Recipe >>

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