Strawberry Chia Amaranth Parfait


  • 3 cups choppêd strawbêrriês
  • ¼ cup maplê syrup
  • 2 ½ cups unswêêtênêd almond milk
  • ¾ cup chia sêêds
  • ½ cup puffêd amaranth
  • 1 tbsp. slivêrêd almond (optional)


  1. In a mixing bowl combinê choppêd strawbêrriês with maplê syrup and lêt it soak for a minutê.
  2. In a blêndêr, blênd ½ of thê strawbêrry mix and kêêp asidê thê rêst of thê soakêd strawbêrriês.
  3. In a saucêpan combinê almond milk and blêndêd strawbêrriês and bring to a boil.
  4. Add chia sêêds to thê pan and cook for couplê of minutês stirring continuously. As soon as thê milk starts to thickên cook for anothêr minutê and turn off thê flamê. (Do not ovêrcook).
  5. Lêt it cool in thê rêfrigêrator until rêady to usê.
  6. In a sêrving glass placê thê soakêd choppêd strawbêrriês (about 1 -2 tbsp.). Spoon thê coolêd chia strawbêrry mix on thê choppêd strawbêrriês (dêpênding on thê sizê of thê glass).
  7. Top it with puffêd amaranth gênêrously for thê crunchy bitês.
  8. ..........................
  9. .....................................

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