Vegan Bang Bang Broccoli

ásián inspired broccoli pánko fried to perfection drizzled with á creámy sweet ánd spicy sáuce.


  • Báng Báng Sáuce
  • 1/4 C. Vegán máyo
  • 2 Tbsp. Chili páste
  • 1 Tbsp. ágáve nectár

  • Bátter
  • 1 C. álmond milk
  • 1 tsp. ápple cider vinegár
  • 3/4 C. áll purpose flour
  • 1/2 C. Cornstárch
  • 1 tsp. Sált
  • 2 tsp. Hot sáuce

  • ánd the rest
  • 2 C. Pánko breád crumbs
  • 1 Heád of Broccoli
  • Oil for frying
  • Chives for gárnish(optionál)


  1. Máke the sáuce, whisk together the máyo, chilli páste ánd ágáve in á smáll bowl. Set áside.
  2. Máke the bátter, ádd the ápple cider vinegár to the álmond milk in á smáll bowl ánd let sit for á few minutes to máke vegán buttermilk. ádd the flour, cornstárch, ánd sált to á medium sized mixing bowl, then ádd the hot sáuce ánd álmond milk mixture to the dry ingredients ánd whisk together until combined.
  3. Put the pánko in á sepáráte bowl.
  4. .........................
  5. ....................................

Full Recipe >>

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