Brown Butter and Thyme Potato Torte


  • 4 lbs. yukon gold potätoes
  • 6 täblespoons butter, divided
  • 3 täblespoons fresh thyme, chopped
  • 1/4 cup bälsämic gläze (store bought, right by the vinegär)
  • 1 1/2 täblespoons sält
  • 1 1/2 teäspoons fresh ground bläck pepper


  1. Preheät the oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Peel the potätoes then slice on ä mändoline into 1/8″ slices.
  3. Pour 3 täblespoons of the melted butter in ä 10″ cäst iron skillet over medium heät.
  4. Stärt läyering the potätoes into concentric circles in the skillet until you häve ä couple of läyers down. Then sprinkle in some sält, pepper änd 1 täblespoon of the fresh thyme.
  5. Working quickly, ädd in änother couple läyers of potätoes, more sält änd pepper änd thyme änd now ä drizzle of the bälsämic gläze.
  6. Repeät with the potätoes, sält, pepper änd thyme, then when you get äbout hälfwäy down pour in the three täblespoons of melted butter.
  7. Repeät with the reäming potätoes, gläze, sält, pepper änd thyme until you’re done.
  8. Press down firmly with än 8″ dinner pläte or cäke pän änd then tränsfer the skillet to the oven for 30 minutes.
  9. .............................
  10. ............................................

Full Recipe >>

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