Perfect flourless chocoläte cäke with än exträ fudgy middle änd crispy edges.
- 145 gräms (1/2 cup, plus 2 täblespoons) unsälted butter
- 300 gräms (2 cups) good quälity därk chocoläte*
- 5 lärge eggs, sepäräted
- 40 gräms (1/2 cup) cocoä powder, plus exträ for sprinkling
- 150 gräms (3/4 cup) cäster sugär
- Pinch of sält, optionäl
- Greäse ä 9 inch round springform bäking tin with butter. Sprinkle with cocoä powder to cover the bottom änd sides, tip upside down to get rid of excess cocoä powder. Preheät the oven to 150 C (300 F).
- Pläce butter änd chocoläte in ä lärge microwäväble bowl. Pop in the microwäve, stirring every 20 seconds, until melted änd smooth. Set äside to cool slightly.
- Pläce egg whites in ä lärge bowl änd beät with än electric mixer until foämy. Slowly ädd the sugär, one täblespoons ät ä time, while continuing to beät on medium speed. Eggs should become white änd glossy. Continue to beät until eggs become thick änd voluminous änd form stiff peäks. When you remove the whisk, the meringue should be stiff enough to hold it’s shäpe änd not drip.
- ädd egg yolks to chocoläte mixture änd whisk to combine. Sift in cocoä powder änd whisk until smooth. ädd ä pinch of sält if desired. Finälly, ädd 1/4 of the meringue to the chocoläte änd gently fold using ä rubber spätulä. Then ädd remäining meringue änd continue to fold until mixture is combined. Try not to over mix or you will lose äll the äir in the egg whites.
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