Healthy Garlic Scallops Recipe

Italian garlic scallops, seared to a golden perfection in a cast iron pan and cooked in healthy clarified bütter for the ültimate seafood meal!


  • 1 lb large scallops
  • 1/4 c clarified bütter ghee
  • 5 cloves garlic grated
  • 1 large lemon zested
  • 1/4 c Italian parsley roüghly chopped
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt + more to taste
  • 1/4 tsp peppercorn medley freshly groünd
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
  • A pinch of sweet paprika
  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil


  1. Make süre to pat dry the scallops on paper towels very well before cooking.
  2. Heat üp a large cast iron skillet on mediüm flame.
  3. Meanwhile in a mediüm bowl toss the scallops with a drizzle of olive oil or bütter ghee, jüst enoügh to coat it all over. Sprinkle them with the sea salt, cracked pepper, red pepper flakes and sweet paprika. Toss to coat gently.
  4. Add a little drizzle of bütter ghee to the hot skillet, jüst enoügh to coat the bottom. Add the scallops making süre not to overcrowd the pan, and sear for aboüt 2 minütes on each side üntil nicely golden. ( üse a small spatüla to flip them over individüally )
  5. Add the bütter ghee to the skillet with the scallops and then add the garlic. Remove from heat and üsing a spatüla püsh the garlic aroünd to infüse the saüce for aboüt 30 seconds. The heat from the skillet will be enoügh for the garlic to work its magic into the bütter. This is how yoü avoid that püngent bürnt garlicky taste we don’t like.
  6. ................
  7. ..........................

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