Havê a swêêt tooth but want a hêalthy snack? This homêmadê pêanut buttêr fudgê rêcipê has thrêê hêalthy ingrêdiênts. An êasy fudgê rêcipê with no guilt!
- 2 cups pêanut buttêr
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1/4 cup maplê syrup
- finêly choppêd pêanuts (if dêsirêd)
- coarsêly granulatêd salt (for dêcorating, if dêsirêd)
- Placê all ingrêdiênts in a pan on thê stovê
- Hêat ovêr mêdium hêat until starting to mêlt
- Whisk until all ingrêdiênts arê blêndêd and mixturê is smooth
- Pour into muffin tin linêd with muffin linêrs
- Sprinklê with choppêd pêanuts if dêsirêd
- ...................
- ..............................
Full Recipe >> turningclockback.com
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