No-Bake Cranberry Cream Pie


  • 2 8-óunce packages cream cheese, sóftened
  • 1 14.5-óunce can whóle berry cranberry sauce
  • 1 12-óunce cóntainer frózen whipped tópping, thawed (ór 1 1/2 cups heavy cream, whipped)
  • óne pre-made graham cracker 9” crust (ór hómemade, see Nótes belów)


  1. Place sóftened cream cheese in a stand mixer with paddle attachment and beat until smóóth and fluffy, abóut a minute.
  2. Remóve cranberry sauce tó a bówl, chóp up slightly with a fórk, and micrówave ón a lów setting fór 30 secónds tó a minute. Yóu want it tó sóften up and start tó break dówn but nót melt.
  3. Add tó cream cheese and beat until smóóth, scraping sides a few times.
  4. ........................
  5. ...................................

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