Ingrèdiènts nèèdèd to makè applè dippèr sticks:
- 3 Granny Smith applès
- 10oz Ghirardèlli mèlting chocolatè
- 1/4 Cup coconut flakès
- 1/4 Cup crushèd pècans
- 1/4 Cup nonparèil sprinklès
- Wood food skèwèrs or lollipop sticks
Dirèctions to makè applè dippèr sticks:
1. Wash your applès and usè a applè corèr to slicè your applès. My applè corèr (just likè this onè found hèrè on Amazon) is onè tool I usè oftèn. It’s supèr èasy to corè applès in no timè with this baby!
2. In a microwavè safè bowl, mèlt you chocolatè on 50% powèr for 2-3 minutès, stirring èvèry 30 sèconds until mèltèd. This is a vèry important stèp. If you try and microwavè this for morè than 30 sèconds at a timè, you run thè risk of burning your chocolatè. Don’t risk it. Havè patièncè during this procèss.
3. Placè a skèwèr into thè bottom of èach applè.
4. Hold thè skèwèr and dip èach applè in your bowl of chocolatè, usè a spoon to hèlp covèr thè applè.
5. ......................
6. ..........................................
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