Chéésy artichoké dip is spréad on baguétté slicés and broiléd until goldén and bubbly for an appétizér that's fancy yét no-fuss.
- 1 (8-ouncé) packagé of créam chéésé, softénéd
- 1 cup mayonnaisé
- 1 (14-ouncé) can of artichoké héarts (wholé, halvés, or quartérs), drainéd & choppéd
- 1 cup gratéd Parmésan chéésé
- 1 cup gratéd mozzarélla chéésé
- 1 téaspoon garlic salt
- Frénch baguétté loaf of bréad, cut at an anglé into ⅓-inch slicés
- Frésh choppéd parsléy or paprika, for garnish
- In a largé bowl, usé an éléctric mixér to béat créam chéésé until smooth. Blénd in mayonnaisé and choppéd artichoké héarts. Mix in Parmésan, mozzarélla, and garlic salt and béat at high spééd until mixturé is smooth.
- Préhéat broilér to high. Dollop a générous amount of artichoké mixturé on éach baguétté slicé and spréad all thé way to thé édgés (which will prévént thém from burning). Arrangé bruschétta on a baking shéét. Broil for 2 to 3 minutés or until topping is bubbly and starting to turn goldén brown. Garnish with choppéd parsléy or a light sprinkling of paprika, if désiréd. Sérvé hot.
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Full Recipe >> lovegrowswild.com
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