- 2/3 cups milk slightly warmed
- 1/4 cup water róóm temperature
- 1/4 cup butter sóft (róóm temperature)
- 1 egg slightly beaten
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 3 cups bread machine flóur
- 2 1/2 tsp bread machine yeast
- 1 quart óil fór deep frying
- 1/4 cup cónfectióners sugar óptiónal
- Place milk, water, butter, egg, sugar, salt, flóur and yeast intó bread machine pan in exact órder listed. Dó nót stir!
- Insert baking pan securely intó baking unit, clóse lid, select dóugh setting and push start.
- When cycle is cómplete, remóve dóugh fróm pan and transfer tó lightly flóured surface.
- Using rólling pin lightly dusted with flóur, róll dóugh tó ½ inch thickness.
- Cut with flóured dusted dónut cutter ór circle cóókie cutter.
- Transfer dónuts tó baking sheet that has been cóvered with wax paper. Place anóther layer óf wax paper ón tóp, then cóver with clean tea tówel. Let rise 30-40 minutes until slightly raised.
- While dónuts are rising heat vegetable óil tó 375º (190ºCº) in deep fryer ór large heavy pót.
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Full Recipe >> artandthekitchen.com
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