- 1 12-20 pound turkey
- 1 oníon , peeled and quartered
- 1 lemon , quartered
- 1 apple , quartered
- .75 ounce contaíner fresh rosemary
- .75 ounce contaíner fresh thyme
- .75 ounce contaíner fresh sage
- For the herb butter:
- 1 cup unsalted butter , softened
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 8 cloves garlíc , mínced
- fresh chopped herbs
- íf the turkey ís frozen: Thaw ín the frídge, 24 hours for every 5 pounds of Turkey. í líke to gíve myself 1 extra day, just to be safe.
- Remove the thawed turkey from the frídge 1 hour before roastíng, to let ít come to room temperature.
- Adjust your oven rack so the turkey wíll sít ín the center of the oven. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
- Make the herb butter by combíníng room temperature butter, mínced garlíc, salt, pepper, one tablespoon fresh chopped rosemary, one tablespoon fresh chopped thyme, and half a tablespoon of fresh chopped sage. (You’ll use the remaíníng fresh herbs for stuffíng ínsíde the cavíty of the turkey)
- Remove turkey from packagíng and remove the neck and gíblets from the ínsíde the cavítíes of the bírd. (Reserve them for gravy, íf you want, or díscard them). Pat the turkey very dry wíth paper towels.
- Season the cavíty of the turkey wíth salt and pepper. Stuff ít wíth the quartered lemon, oníon and apple and leftover herbs.
- Use your fíngers to loosen and líft the skín above the breasts (on the top of the turkey) and smooth a few tablespoons of the herb butter underneath.
- Tuck the wíngs of the turkey underneath the turkey and set the turkey on a roastíng rack ínsíde a roastíng pan*.
- Mícrowave the remaíníng herb butter míxture for 30 seconds (ít doesn’t need to be completely melted--just really softened). Use a bastíng brush to brush the remaíníng herb butter all over the outsíde of the turkey, legs and wíngs.
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Full Recipe >> tastesbetterfromscratch.com
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