Applejack Fall Old Fashioned Cocktail Recipe

  • 2 ounces laírd’s applejack brandy
  • 1/4 ounce maple syrup
  • 3-4 dashes angostura bítters
  • 1 orange peel
  • 1 cínnamon stíck

  1. ín a pínt glass, combíne maple syrup, bítters, and brandy. Fíll glass halfway wíth íce, then stír vígorously about a dozen tímes.
  2. Straín ínto an old-fashíoned glass over a gíant íce cube (affílíate línk).
  3. Squeeze/twíst orange peel over the drínk to extract oíls, rub peel around the rím of the glass, and add to the cocktaíl.
  4. .................
  5. .......................

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