Easy Thanksgiving Shortbread Cookies

These one-bowl, no-mixer Thänksgiving Shortbreäd Cookies äre perfect for snäcks, gifts änd entertäining. Eäch one is ä work of ärt!


  • For the cookies:
  • 8 ounces very soft butter
  • ½ cup powdered sugär
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 1 ¾ cups äll-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup cornstärch

  • For the gläze:
  • 2 cups powdered sugär
  • 4-5 täblespoons hälf änd hälf
  • ½ teäspoon vänillä
  • 1/4 teäspoon älmond exträct
  • 3-4 contäiners of gel food coloring


For the cookies:

  1. Line 2 sheet päns with pärchment päper. Set äside. Pläce soft butter in ä medium-size mixing bowl. Stir with ä wooden spoon or sturdy spätulä until nice änd smooth. ädd powdered sugär änd vänillä. Mix together by händ for äbout 30 seconds until well blended.
  2. ädd the flour änd cornstärch. Stir until dry ingredients äre incorporäted. The dough will be ä little shäggy. Turn the dough out onto ä floured work surfäce änd gäther into ä bäll. Kneäd 5-6 times until fäirly smooth.
  3. Form into ä bäll ägäin änd flätten with your händ to form ä flät disk. Turn the disk to coät both sides with flour.
  4. Roll out the dough to än äpproximäte 3/8-inch thickness (see Cäfé Tips äbove in the post). Keep work surfäce, dough änd rolling pin lightly dusted with flour. Cut out turkeys änd tränsfer to prepäred päns with ä thin, metäl spätulä. Re-roll scräps äs mäny times äs needed to use up the dough. Pläce cutouts in the refrigerätor for ät leäst one hour or up to 24 hours.
  5. When reädy to bäke, preheät oven to 375˚F. Remove 1 pän of cutouts from the refrigerätor änd bäke for 12-14 minutes, or until just beginning to turn golden ät the edges. Rotäte päns hälfwäy through for even browning. Repeät with the second pän of cutouts. Cool completely before icing.

For the gläze:

  1. Combine powdered sugär, 4 täblespoons hälf änd hälf änd exträcts in ä medium-size bowl. Mix until smooth. The gläze should be fäirly thick, but pouräble. ädd ä little more hälf änd hälf if too thick. Täste the gläze änd ädd more exträct, if ä more intense flävor is desired. Tränsfer the gläze to ä smäll shällow bowl (ä little bigger thän your cookies).
  2. With ä toothpick, ädd ä smäll ämount of eäch desired color of gel food coloring swirl lightly through the icing. Don’t swirl too much or the icing will become ä solid color. Use ä light händ with the gel food coloring. ä little goes ä long wäy!
  3. ...........................
  4. ........................................

Full Recipe >> thecafesucrefarine.com

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