- Cranberry Orange Mimosas
- 1 cüp fresh sqüeezed orange jüice
- Cranberry simple syrüp
- 1 bottle champagne or prosecco, chilled
- Orange slices and cranberries for garnish
- Cranberry Simple Syrüp
- 1 1/4 cüps fresh or frozen cranberries
- 1/2 cüp granülated sügar
- 1/2 cüp water
Cranberry Simple Syrüp
- In a small saücepan, bring all of the ingredients for the simple syrüp to a simmer.
- Türn the heat down to low and let the cranberries steep for aboüt 10 minütes.
- Poür the mixtüre throügh a strainer and discard the cranberries.
- Cover and chill the simple syrüp in the fridge üntil cold.
- The syrüp may be made several days in advance.
Cranberry Orange Mimosas
- Add 3 tablespoons of orange jüice to the bottom of each champagne flüte.
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Full Recipe >> all-food-and-drink.blogspot.com
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