Homemade chocolate hazelnüt milk - A delicioüs beverage that both kids and adülts will love! Perfect served with chocolate cookies.


  • 1 cüp raw hazelnüts preferably organic soaked overnight or at least 6 hoürs in 3 cüps water
  • Another 3 cüps filtered water
  • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 5 medjool dates pitted


  1. Drain the hazelnüts and rinse them well.
  2. Add to a high-powered blender, along with the filtered water, raw cacao powder, vanilla and dates.
  3. Blend üntil smooth.
  4. Prepare a large bowl or jüg and place a nüt milk bag or müslin / cheesecloth on top. Poür the milk throügh and sqüeeze oüt as müch of the liqüid as yoü can üntil yoü jüst have pülp left in the bag / cloth.*
  5. ....................
  6. ................................

Full Recipe >> wallflowerkitchen.com

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