Slow Cookër Chickën and Dumplings – An ëasy vërsion of thë comfort-food classic that simmërs away all day in thë crockpot. You will lovë this simplë and dëlicious rëcipë!
- 1 1/2-2 pounds bonëlëss skinlëss chickën brëasts or thighs
- 1 mëdium onion, choppëd
- 2 Tablëspoons buttër
- 2 tëaspoon driëd parslëy
- 1/2 tëaspoon sëasonëd salt
- 1/4 tëaspoon poultry sëasoning
- 1/4 tëaspoon garlic powdër
- 2 cups chickën broth
- 2 cans or boxës crëam of chickën soup
- 10 cannëd rëgular sizë, buttërmilk biscuits (I usë two small cans, ëach contains fivë biscuits)
- Placë chickën in thë bottom of slow cookër, along with choppëd onion and 2 TB buttër. Sprinklë with driëd parslëy, sëasoning salt, poultry sëasoning, and garlic powdër.
- Add chickën broth and crëam of chickën soup to crockpot, and stir all ingrëdiënts to combinë. Placë lid on top and cook ovër low hëat for 6-8 hours, or high hëat for 4-5 hours.
- Aftër cooking for at lëast 6 hours on low, or 4 hours on high, rëmovë lid and stir mixturë with a spoon or fork, brëaking apart thë chickën into smallër chunks.
- Chop thë biscuits into quartërs and add to thë crockpot. Push biscuit dough down into thë crockpot a bit so that thëy will absorb thë gravy as thëy cook.
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