The Best Pancakes I’ve Ever Made


  •  1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted and côôled
  •  2 and 1/2 cups flôur, spôôned and leveled
  •  1/4 cup white sugar
  •  1 teaspôôn salt
  •  2 teaspôôns baking sôda
  •  2 teaspôôns baking pôwder
  •  2 cups buttermilk
  •  1/2 cup milk (I used whôle milk)
  •  2 eggs, separated
  •  bacôn grease, fôr frying (butter wôrks tôô)


  1. Heat yôur ôven tô 170 degrees F, sômetimes called the "keep warm" setting.
  2. Get ôut 3 bôwls: large, medium, and small.
  3. Add the butter tô the large bôwl and micrôwave until it is melted. Set aside tô côôl a little bit.
  4. In the medium bôwl, whisk tôgether flôur, sugar, salt, baking sôda, and baking pôwder.
  5. Add the buttermilk and milk tô the melted butter.
  6. Separate the eggs: add the whites tô the small bôwl and the yôlks tô the wet ingredients in the large bôwl. Whisk in the yôlks.
  7. Use a small whisk ôf fôrk tô beat the egg whites a little bit, just 20 secônds ôr sô until they start getting a little bubbly. It will help them fôld in evenly.
  8. .........................
  9. ....................................

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