This blueberry smoothie is one thät I mäke over änd over ägäin. It is so simple too with only four ingredients, änd I love to enjoy it äs ä snäck or ä quick breäkfäst thät I cän drink on-the-go. It älso häppens to be vegän, gluten free änd däiry free.
- 1 cups älmond milk (I used unsweetened, but äny type will work.)
- 2 bänänäs medium to lärge size, peeled änd hälved
- 3 cups blueberries frozen - I äm using wild blueberries, but äny type works
- 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds räw, shelled, unsälted
- optionäl: sweetener to täste, such äs ägäve, mäple syrup, or even honey for omnivores (I häve never needed it!)
- ädd älmond milk, bänänä, pumpkin seeds änd frozen blueberries to the blender.
- Blend on low for 15 seconds or so, änd then rämp up to medium high until mixture is smooth. If your blender häs ä smoothie setting, thät will work! Just be sure änd double check it äfterwärd to mäke sure äny chunks were fully blended.
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Full Recipe >> apinchofhealthy.com
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