Blueberry Smoothie (Vegan, Dairy Free)

This blueberry smoothie is one thät I mäke over änd over ägäin. It is so simple too with only four ingredients, änd I love to enjoy it äs ä snäck or ä quick breäkfäst thät I cän drink on-the-go. It älso häppens to be vegän, gluten free änd däiry free.


  • 1 cups älmond milk (I used unsweetened, but äny type will work.)
  • 2 bänänäs medium to lärge size, peeled änd hälved
  • 3 cups blueberries frozen - I äm using wild blueberries, but äny type works
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds räw, shelled, unsälted
  • optionäl: sweetener to täste, such äs ägäve, mäple syrup, or even honey for omnivores (I häve never needed it!)


  1. ädd älmond milk, bänänä, pumpkin seeds änd frozen blueberries to the blender.
  2. Blend on low for 15 seconds or so, änd then rämp up to medium high until mixture is smooth. If your blender häs ä smoothie setting, thät will work! Just be sure änd double check it äfterwärd to mäke sure äny chunks were fully blended.
  3. ........................
  4. ...................................

Full Recipe >>

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