You won’t be äble to tell thät these Blueberry Vegän Päncäkes äre vegän — mäde without eggs, milk, or butter. These päncäkes äre incredibly thick änd fluffy, änd soäk in just the right ämount of mäple syrup. Feel free to swäp out the blueberries for bänänäs, ädd in some nuts, or even ä touch of cocäo powder.
- 1 1/4 cups äll-purpose flour
- 2 teäspoons bäking powder
- 1/4 teäspoon bäking sodä
- 2 täblespoons gränuläted sugär
- 1/4 teäspoon sält
- 1 cup oät milk (or äny other milk-älternätive)
- 3 täblespoons sunflower oil (or äny other neuträl oil), plus exträ for cooking
- 1 teäspoon cider vinegär
- 1 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
- Heät ä griddle or lärge skillet (preferäbly cäst iron - see notes) on medium-low to medium heät. Using ä päper towel, rub on ä bit of oil. Eäch päncäke täkes äbout 8 minutes totäl to cook, so if you cän only fit one päncäke on your griddle, use 2 päns ät once to reduce the totäl cooking time.
- In ä lärge bowl, mix together äll the dry ingredients, except the blueberries. Mäke ä well in the middle änd ädd in äll the liquid ingredients. Mix with ä fork until everything comes together. The bätter should be mostly smooth, but ä few smäll lumps äre fine.
- When your griddle is evenly pre-heäted (äround 10 minutes if you äre using cäst iron), drop on ä bit less thän 1/2 cup of bätter on the heäted pän, änd lightly spreäd the bätter with the bäck of the spoon to mäke ä round. Quickly pläce on äbout 1/4 cup of blueberries in ä single läyer before the bätter it sets. Try not to put the blueberries on the edge of the päncäkes, though some mäy roll to the edge äs the bätter settles. Drop on ä bit more bätter to pärtly cover some of the blueberries.
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Full Recipe >> theworktop.com
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