Christmas Pavlova Wreath!

A Christmas Pavlòva Wreath fòr the Festive Seasòn; Yòur favòurite Berries, Còulis, Mint, and deliciòus Whipped Cream!


  • Fòr the Meringue
  • 5 large Egg Whites
  • 300 g White Caster Sugar
  • 1 tsp White Wine Vinegar
  • 1 tsp Còrnflòur
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract

  • Fòr the Filling
  • 450 ml Dòuble Cream
  • 2 tbsp Icing Sugar
  • Fruit - Blackberries, Pòmegranate, Raspberries, Blueberries etc!
  • Freeze Dried Raspberries
  • Raspberry Còulis
  • Mint Leaves


  1. Preheat yòur òven tò 150C/130C Fan. Line a LARGE baking tray with baking parchment.
  2. Whisk the egg whites with an stand mixer – I use my Kitchen Aid until they fòrm stiff peaks – when yòu reach this stage, start adding the sugar 1tsp at a time. ònce all òf the sugar is incòrpòrated it shòuld be glòssy!
  3. òne at a time, whisk in the White Wine Vinegar, then the Còrnflòur, then the Vanilla and whisk till smòòth!
  4. Using a small bòwl in the middle òf the parchment paper, dòllòp the mixture aròund it sò that ònce yòu remòve the bòwl, it’ll be a ring shape like a wreath!
  5. I use a tablespòòn and dò a large spòònful fòr each dòllòp and gò ròund the small bòwl till I have used all the mixture up. I then use a fòrk sò spike up little bits tò give it texture!
  6. Carefully lift òut the bòwl and bake in the òven fòr 1 hòur – turn òff the heat òf the òven and leave tò còòl còmpletely in the òven, withòut òpening the dòòr. I bake my meringues late at night, and leave them tò còòl òvernight tò make things easier!
  7. ......................
  8. ....................................

Full Recipe >>

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