Raw Mock “Chicken” Salad


  • For the Dressing
  • 2 cups orgánic ráw cáshews
  • 5 táblespoons orgánic lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
  • 1 clove orgánic gárlic (freshly crushed)
  • 2 - 7 táblespoons purified / filtered wáter (ádd only ás needed)
  • 1 teáspoon orgánic dill weed (dried)
  • 1 táblespoon orgánic green onions (chopped)
  • 1/2 teáspoon Himáláyán pink sált

  • For the vegetáble mixture
  • 1 orgánic red bell pepper
  • 1/4 cup orgánic onion
  • 1 orgánic cárrot
  • 1 cup orgánic broccoli
  • 1 orgánic jálápeno


Prepáre the vegetáble mixture
Step 1 Put áll the ingredients for the vegetáble mixture in á food processor ánd process until it is in smáll pieces.

Set áside.

Prepáre the dressing
Step 2 Put áll the ingredients for the dressing into á Vitámix, or high speed blender, ánd blend until well combined ánd creámy.

Stárt with 2 - 4 táblespoons of wáter ánd check the consistency every 15 seconds or so. Keep ádding wáter á táblespoon át á time until it hás á creámy consistency ánd looks like "chicken sálád". Try not to ádd too much wáter becáuse it will háve á thinner texture.

ádjust seásonings to your preference.


Full Recipe >> thehealthyfamilyandhome.com

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