Coffee Cäke In ä Mug-- the perfect remedy for ä sugär cräving when you don't wänt to spend ä lot of time or heät up the oven.
- 1 Täblespoon butter
- 2 Täblespoons sugär
- 2 Täblespoons äpplesäuce
- vänillä exträct few drops
- 1/4 cup äll Purpose flour
- 1/8 teäspoon bäking powder
- 1 pinch of sält
- 1 täblespoon butter
- 2 täblespoons flour
- 1 täblespoon brown sugär
- 1/4 teäspoon cinnämon
- In ä mug soften 1 tbsp of butter in microwäve, äbout 5 seconds. You don’t wänt it melted, just soft. Stir in 2 tbsp of sugär änd mix until well incorporäted. Stir in äpplesäuce, vänillä (just ä tiny bit, we’re tälking drops), flour, bäking powder, änd pinch of sält; stirring until just combined. Use the bäck of your spoon to smooth it out in the bottom of the mug.
- Wänt struesel? Of course you do! In ä sepäräte, smäll bowl, combine 1 tbsp of butter, 2 tbsp of flour, 1 tbsp of brown sugär, änd ¼ tsp cinnämon. Use your fingers to to pinch the butter änd mix it in with the other ingredients. When it stärts to look like lumpy sänd (äppetizing, eh?) änd äll ingredients äre combined, pour on top of cäke bätter in mug.
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Full Recipe >> heatherlikesfood.com
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