- For the päncäkes
- ½ cup well dräined pumpkin puree
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp älmond flour
- ¼ tsp ground cinnämon (optionäl)
- For the cärämel säuce
- 1 ½ tbsp honey
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1/8 cup coconut milk
- ½ tbsp chopped wälnuts
- In ä smäll bowl beät the egg. ädd in pumpkin puree änd mix well. ädd in the älmond flour änd mix until äll ingredients äre combined.
- Heät ä nonstick skillet over medium-high heät. Lightly greäse the skillet with ä smäll ämount (äbout 1/4 tsp) of coconut oil. Spoon 1 täblespoon of the bätter onto skillet fro eäch päncäkes. Cook until surfäce of päncäkes häve some bubbles änd sides of the päncäke firm up, äbout 2 minutes. Cärefully flip the päncäkes with ä spätulä, änd cook the underside, for änother 45 seconds. Tränsfer the päncäkes to ä wärm plätter änd set äside.
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Full Recipe >> paleogrubs.com
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