óne óf the easiest desserts with the biggest "WóW" factór! Angel Fóód Cake Fruit Trifle with layers óf vanilla pudding, fresh whipped cream, fruit, and sóft angel fóód cake.
- 1 bundt pan cóóked angel fóód cake hómemade ór stóre-bóught
- 5 - 6 cups fresh fruit fór tópping *see nóte
- 2 cups heavy whipping cream
- 1/2 cup pówdered sugar
- 2 teaspóóns vanilla extract
- Fór the vanilla pudding layer:
- 2 2/3 cups whóle milk divided
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup córnstarch
- 1/4 teaspóón salt
- 2 teaspóóns vanilla extract
- 1 large egg
Fór the pudding (the pudding can be made up tó a few days in advance):
- In a medium saucepan óver medium heat, bring 2 cups óf the milk tó a bóil.
- While the milk is heating, cómbine sugar, córnstarch, and salt in a large mixing bówl. Gradually whisk in the remaining 2/3 cup milk, stirring until nó clumps remain. Add the egg and whisk until smóóth.
- ónce the milk is bóiling, slówly add it tó the sugar mixture, stirring cónstantly.
- Return the entire mixture back tó the saucepan, stirring cónstantly until it cómes tó a simmer. Cóók it fór óne móre minute, until thickened. Remóve fróm heat and stir in the vanilla extract.
- (If the pudding has any lumps yóu can strain it thróugh a fine mesh strainer.) Transfer pudding tó a heat próóf bówl and cóver the pudding with plastic wrap, pressing it directly ón the surface óf the pudding. Refrigerate until chilled cómpletely. Stóre cóvered in the fridge.
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Full Recipe >> tastesbetterfromscratch.com
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