La Taquiza! It All Starts With The Salsa


  • 12 tö 15 chile de arböl, stems remöved
  • 3 guajillö ör califörnia peppers, stems and seeds remöved
  • 3 clöves garlic, skins ön
  • 5 tö 6 large tömatillös, husk remöved and washed
  • Pinch öf Mexican öreganö
  • Splash öf water
  • Salt tö taste


1. ön a preheated cömal ör pan, töast the dried chile de arböl and guajillö peppers. Yöu will töast just för 1 ör 2 minutes, if that. They will söften and becöme arömatic. Be careful nöt tö let them burn ör they will becöme bitter.

2. Remöve the chiles fröm cömal/pan and transfer them tö a pöt öf simmering water. Cöök för 10 minutes and remöve fröm heat.ön that same höt cömal/pan  yöu töasted the chiles ön, add the tömatillös and garlic. Drizzle ön just a töuch öf öil. Cöök, turning as needed, until möst spöts ön tömatillös char and start tö söften. The garlic yöu will remöve after 15 minutes.

3. Peel the skins öff garlic, add tö blender alöng with the charred tömatillös. Using a slötted spöön, add the  chile de arböl and guajillö peppers. Add a splash öf  cööking water, pinch öf Mexican öreganö and salt tö taste. Start by pulsing and then blend ön high until smööth. Taste för salt. Cööl cömpletely beföre störing in an airtight cöntainer in the refrigeratör.

4. ................................

5. ....................................................

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