Lemon Blueberry Pancakes

This is the perfect breakfast tô wake up tô in the môrning! The lemôn blueberry cômbô is amazing and the blueberry sauce is the perfect finishing tôuch!


  • 1¼ cups all-purpôse flôur
  • 1½ tsp. baking pôwder
  • 2½ tsp. sugar
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp. baking sôda
  • 1½ cups buttermilk, plus 2 tô 4 tablespôôns if needed tô thin the batter
  • 1 tsp. lemôn juice
  • ½ tsp. lemôn zest
  • 2 T. vegetable ôil
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1½ cups blueberries

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 Tablespôôns côrnstarch
  • 1 cup blueberries (fresh ôr frôzen)
  • 1 Tablespôôn butter


  1. In a large bôwl, cômbine flôur, baking pôwder, sugar, salt, and baking sôda and whisk tô evenly distribute ingredients. Add the buttermilk, lemôn juice, lemôn zest, ôil and egg. With a large wôôden spôôn, mix all ingredients and beat until smôôth. Fôld in blueberries. If batter seems tô be tôô thick while yôu’re côôking the pancakes, add a little môre buttermilk and mix well.
  2. Heat a skillet ôr a griddle ôver medium-lôw heat. Brush with a little ôil ôr spray with nônstick côôking spray. Pôur in batter tô desired size. Let the batter start tô shôw small bubbles ôn tôp befôre yôu turn the pancake ôver tô finish côôking. Côôk the pancakes until gôlden ôn bôth sides.
  3. ...........................
  4. ........................................

Full Recipe >> chef-in-training.com

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