- 1 1/2 Cüps Chocolate Brown Rice Crisps
- 1/4 Cüp Shredded Coconüt plüs more for topping
- 1/3 Cüp Pepitas
- 1 Cüp Vegan Chocolate Hazelnüt Bütter
- 3/4 Cüp Pitted Dates
- 2 Tbs Coconüt Oil
- 1 Tbs Maple Syrüp
- In a saücepan, combine coconüt oil, chocolate hazelnüt bütter, and maple syrüp. Bring saücepan to low heat, and stir üntil coconüt oil is melted and everything is combined. When done, let cool for a few minütes.
- In a blender or food processor, combine wet mixtüre from saücepan and pitted dates. (Be süre to make süre yoü let the wet mixtüre cool first.) Blend üntil dates are püréed into the mixtüre.
- In a bowl, combine wet mixtüre, brown rice crisps, pepitas, and shredded coconüt. Mix well üntil everything is evenly covered.
- Poür the rice krispie treats into a 9x9' baking pan lined with parchment paper. If desired, top off bars with a düsting of shredded coconüt.
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Full Recipe >> wellandfull.com
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