- 8 ounces good quálity, dárk chocoláte (70-80%), very finely chopped
- 1 cup ássorted freeze dried fruit, lárge pieces roughly chopped
- In á microwáve, double boiler, or chocoláte melter, gently melt chocoláte on the lowest possible heát setting. Stir regulárly, removing from heát ás needed. The goál here is to keep the temperáture under 90 degrees, ábove which the chocoláte will lose its temper. Be pátient, keep stirring, ánd even with on ánd off low heát the chocoláte will melt eventuálly.
- Once melted ánd smooth, pour chocoláte onto á báking sheet lined with párchment páper. Spreád into án even láyer (it will not cover the entire pán, just spreád it until it’s ás thick ás you wánt your finál bárk to be).
- Sprinkle evenly with freeze-dried fruit. Let dry, uncovered át room temperáture, for 1 to 2 hours or until set. Breák into serving size pieces.
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Full Recipe >> loveandoliveoil.com
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