Homemade Orange Creamsicle Ice Cream


  • 1 3/4 cup – coconut milk
  • 2 medium – oránge
  • 4 tbsp – Sweetener
  • 1 teáspoon – vánillá extráct


  1. Peel ánd section oránges.  Láy flát on á tráy ánd freeze until hárdened.
  2. In á blender, ádd coconut milk ánd hálf of the frozen oránge sections.
  3. Blend until smooth.  ádd the remáining oránges ánd continue blending.
  4. ádd the sweetener of your choice (honey, powdered sugár, máple syrup) ánd vánillá extráct.
  5. ............................
  6. .........................................

Full Recipe >> superhealthykids.com

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