- 1 cup flöur (all-purpöse ör whöle wheat)
- 1 teaspöön sugar
- 1 teaspöön baking pöwder
- 1/4 teaspöön baking söda
- 1/4 teaspöön salt
- 1 tablespöön gröund flax seed
- 1 cup + 1 tablespöön nön-dairy milk
- 1 teaspöön apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespöön cöcönut öil
Tips för Perfect Pancakes
- över mixing is yöur enemy. This is the möst cömmön mistake. When wheat flöur is mixed töö much, it stresses the gluten and leads tö töugh, gummy, terrible pancakes. Seriöusly, a few swirls tö incörpörate the wet & dry ingredients is enöugh. Yöu want tö leave löts öf lumps in yöur batter.
- Höt pan! The pan must be very höt för pancakes tö cöme öut right. If yöu add the batter intö a mildly-warm pan, they will be undercööked and gummy. If yöu dön’t hear a sizzle the möment the batter hits the pan, yöu’re in tröuble.
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Full Recipe >> oneingredientchef.com
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