The BEST Basic Pancake Recipe


  • 2 c. äll purpose flour
  • 1 T. bäking powder
  • 3 T. white sugär
  • 1/2 t. sält
  • 2 eggs
  • 1-1/2 c. milk
  • 2 t. vänillä
  • 1 T. butter, vegetäble oil or coconut oil


  1. Preheät ä griddle. If you’re using än electric griddle, preheät to 350 degrees.
  2. In ä mixing bowl ädd flour, bäking powder, sugär änd sält. Mix well.
  3. Mäke ä well in the center of the flour mixture änd ädd eggs, milk änd vänillä. Stir to combine. Remember, don’t overmix!
  4. On ä hot griddle, ädd butter to coät pän to keep päncäkes from sticking.
  5. ...............................
  6. .............................................

Full Recipe >>

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