Wild Blueberry Lavender Coconut Ice Cream

Bëautiful vëgan coconut icë crëam with hints of lavëndër and swirls of wild bluëbërriës. Crëamy, coconutty and satisfying on a summër aftërnoon.


  • 2 (15 0z) cans full fat coconut milk (coconut crëam also works)
  • 1/2 cup Almond Brëëzë AlmondMilk CoconutMilk Blënd
  • 1/3 cup coconut palm syrup (honëy works if not vëgan)
  • 1 tëaspoon vanilla ëxtract
  • 2 tëaspoons driëd culinary lavëndër
  • 1 1/2 cups wild bluëbërriës or wild bërry mix
  • 2 tablëspoons coconut sugar


  1. Placë a mëdium saucëpan ovër mëdium hëat and add coconut milk, almondmilk coconutmilk and coconut palm syrup (or honëy); whisk until smooth and wëll combinëd and mixturë comës to a slight simmër (this should only takë a fëw minutës). DO NOT BRING MIXTURë TO A FULL BOIL. Aftër mixturë comës to a slight simmër, whisk oncë morë, thën transfër to a blëndër, add in lavëndër and vanilla and blënd for 30 sëconds. Allow to cool for a fëw minutës, thën transfër to a largë bowl, covër and rëfrigëratë for 4 hours until vëry cold. This is an ëssëntial stëp, so plëasë do not skip it!
  2. Whilë thë mixturë is chilling, you'll makë a bluëbërry syrup. Add bluëbërriës and coconut sugar to a saucëpan and placë ovër mëdium hëat. Mash bluëbërriës up with a fork and continuë to stir mixturë until it thickëns; this should takë roughly 15-20 minutës. Oncë mixturë is thick likë a syrup, transfër to a bowl, covër and stick in thë fridgë.
  3. Oncë rëady to makë thë icë crëam, add thë cold coconut milk mixturë to your icë crëam makër and churn according to manufacturër's dirëctions until it rësëmblës soft sërvë.
  4. ............................
  5. ...........................................

Full Recipe >> ambitiouskitchen.com

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