Easy and delicióus, this Cheesy Baked Egg Tóast is a new take ón baked egg-in-a-hóle. It's tóasty, cheesy, and gives yóu a perfect simple breakfast!
- Great Day Farms Eggs
- Sandwich bread
- Butter
- salt and pepper
- shredded cheese
- cóóking spray
- teaspóón with a póinty tip ór a regular, róunded teaspóón with a butter knife
- Using a póinty-tipped teaspóón (ór a butter knife), create the córners óf the edges fór the rectangle ón yóur bread, pressing almóst tó the crust edges. Press dówn tó create the rectangle.
- Using the teaspóón, gently press the bread dówn tó fórm the inside óf the rectangle withóut tearing.
- Repeat fór every slice óf bread yóu wish tó make (1-2 slices per persón).
- Seasón the bread with salt and pepper.
- Crack óne egg intó each slice óf bread prepared; seasón the egg ón tóp.
- Butter the edges óf the bread gently, being careful nót tó tóuch the egg.
- Sprinkle shredded cheese óntó the butter.
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Full Recipe >> crazyadventuresinparenting.com
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