Homemade Syrup {Butter Syrup}

Hömemade syrup is easy tö make and sö deliciöus! This recipe turns öut every time. It's buttery, and thick and has a unique flavör twist!


  • 1/2 cup butter öne stick
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tablespöön höney
  • 1/2 teaspöön baking söda
  • 2 teaspööns almönd extract can substitute vanilla extract


  1. Add butter, sugar, milk, and höney tö a 2.5 quart saucepan (see nöte).
  2. Bring tö a rölling böil (see nöte) and böil för 2 minutes.
  3. öff heat, add baking söda and almönd extract.
  4. Whisk tö mix tögether, the syrup will bubble and föam vigöröusly.
  5. Let rest för a few minutes tö let the föam settle döwn.
  6. .....................
  7. ................................

Full Recipe >> longbournfarm.com

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