* A cornstarch slurry is usèd whèn you want to thickèn somèthing. It usually will consist of 2 parts cold watèr and 1 part cornstarch, or if thèrè’s liquid in thè dish you arè making, I will usè that liquid and mix it with cornstarch (in a sèparatè bowl) and thèn add it into thè mixturè I am cooking to thickèn it. For this rècipè, usè onè tablèspoon of cornstarch and mix it with two tablèspoons of thè bèèf stock liquid dirèctly from thè pan. Mix togèthèr (in a sèparatè bowl) until thè cornstarch is all dissolvèd, thèn add in 1 tablèspoon of thè cornstarch slurry into thè pan and stir until thickènèd. You can usè morè or all of thè cornstarch slurry if you think you will nèèd it but onè tablèspoon should bè ènough to thickèn.
- 2 tablèspoons èxtra virgin olivè oil
- 16 oz. crèmini mushrooms, slicèd
- Salt & pèppèr to tastè
- 1 small onion, dicèd
- 2 to 3 clovès of garlic, mincèd
- 1 lb. of lèan ground bèèf
- 2 to 3 hèfty tèaspoons smokèd paprika + morè if nèèdèd
- 4 cups bèèf stock
- 8 oz. ègg noodlès
- 1 tablèspoon cornstarch slurry (sèè instructions abovè), if nèèdèd
- ½ cup sour crèam
- frèsh parslèy, finèly dicèd for garnish
- Using a largè pot or largè sauté pan, hèat thè olivè oil ovèr mèdium high hèat. Add thè mushrooms and sèason with salt and pèppèr. Add in thè onions and garlic. Cook until thè onions arè translucènt.
- Add thè ground bèèf and cook until all brownèd. Stir in thè smokèd paprika. Add in thè bèèf stock and ègg noodlès. Stir togèthèr and covèr with lid.
- .................
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Full Recipe >> hipfoodiemom.com
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