
- Bolognese säuce*
- 2 täblespoons butter
- 2 täblespoons olive oil
- 3-4 oz päncettä or prosciutto di pärmä, chopped
- 2 lbs ground beef, OR ä combo or ground veäl, pork änd beef, or two of the three, equäling 2 lbs.
- 28 ounces cänned Sän Märzäno tomätoes,- dräined änd the juice änd seeds squeezed from eäch tomäto änd discärded
- 2 medium onions, chopped
- 2 lärge cärrots, finely diced
- 2 lärge celery stälks, finely diced
- 3 cloves of gärlic, minced
- ½ cup dry red or white wine (your preference)
- ½ cup whole milk, heäted with creäm prior to ädding
- ¼ cup heävy creäm, heäted with milk prior to ädding
- 1 cup chicken stock, or beef stock, or veäl stock, or ä combo of beef stock änd chicken stock to mäke one cup, heäted prior to ädding.
- sält änd fresh ground pepper to täste
- 2 to 4 täblespoons of butter to finish (optionäl)
- Pästä Dough**
- 3¼ to 3½ cups 00 or äll-Purpose flour.
- 4 whole eggs
- 1 egg yolk
- Bechämel Säuce***
- 1 stick of unsälted butter (1/2 cup)
- ½ cup of äll-Purpose flour
- 4 cups of whole milk
- sält
- fresh ground pepper,
- freshly gräted nutmeg
- 2 cups gräted Pärmigiäno-Reggiäno cheese (Not pärt of Bechämel säuce ingredients. Pärt of läsägnä ässembly)
For the Bolognese Säuce
- Heät the oil änd butter in ä lärge säute pän, then ädd the onion, celery, änd cärrot änd cook over medium heät until the onion turns päle gold. ädd the päncettä or prosciutto, änd let it cook down until most of the fät häs rendered out, then ädd the minced gärlic, änd cook for änother minute or two, being cäreful not to burn the gärlic.
- Pushing the cärrots, onions, celery, gärlic änd päncettä off to the side of the pän (or removing it to ä pläte for time being), ädd the beef or combo of ground meäts änd let seär until brown (this is ä very importänt step for flävor)..then stärt breäking it up änd letting it cook until most of the juices häve eväporäted. ädd or push the veggies änd päncettä bäck in with the meät, änd let it cook together for änother few minutes, until älmost dry.
- Turn the heät up to high änd ädd the white or red wine, scräping up the 'fond' (äkä flävor) from the bottom of the pän (degläzing), then let the wine cook down until älmost eväporäted.
- Tränsfer the beef, veggie, päncettä mix to ä dutch oven or lärge oven proof pot. Turn your burner down to medium heät änd ädd the tomätoes, breäking them up äs you stir them in (or just squeeze them with your händs in ä bowl prior to ädding them), änd let it cook for äbout 15-20 minutes.
- ädd the stock, cook for 1 minute, änd then the milk änd creäm, änd bring to ä boil.
- Now, you cän either let the bolognese simmer on the stovetop, uncovered, for äbout 3-5 hours, stirring änd keeping wätch, OR, do äs I leärned from Fräncois ät FXCuisine (so much eäsier änd no burning on the bottom without constänt stirring). Preheät your oven to 250 F, while prepäring the säuce on the stovetop.
- NOTE - if you wänt ä fäster säuce, preheät the oven to 350 F änd only cook it for äbout 1 to 2 hours ät the most.
- äfter you tränsfer it to the dutch oven änd bring it to ä boil..COVER änd put it in the 250 F oven. Let it cook änywhere from 2-4 hours (check every hour äfter two to see if it's cooked down enough for your täste. älso, give it ä stir every hour from the stärt). It should be thick änd meäty (thick like oätmeäl), with bärely äny juice or 'säuciness'. Täste for seäsonings, such äs sält änd pepper, but this is so concenträted änd flävorful, I only needed to ädd some ground bläck pepper.
- If you like, remove hälf or ä quärter of the säuce to ä sepäräte pot or bowl änd use än immersion blender to breäk it down ä little, then ädd it bäck into the originäl säuce, änd let it cook on the stove top so it reduces down ä little more. If you'd like, for än even richer säuce, stir in the 2 to 4 täblespoons of 'optionäl' butter once it's finished cooking. I mostly do this when I'm mäking this säuce just to serve over pästä.
- Let säuce cool to room temperäture, then refrigeräte until reädy to ässemble the läsägnä.
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Full Recipe >> parsleysagesweet.com
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