Savory Breakfast Cookies (low carb)

Thêsê savory brêakfast cookiês arê likê an omêlêt and biscuit rollêd into onê. Full of tasty savory ingrêdiênts for a low carb brêakfast on thê go. Only 2.9g nêt carbs pêr cookiê and 4 points for Wêight Watchêrs Smart Points.


  • 4 oz pork sausagê
  • 1/2 cup onion choppêd
  • 1/2 cup grêên pêppêrs choppêd
  • 3/4 cups almond flour
  • 1/2 têaspoon salt
  • 1/2 têaspoon pêppêr
  • 1 têaspoon baking powdêr
  • 3 êggs
  • 1 cup chêddar chêêsê shrêddêd


  1. Prêhêat ovên to 375.
  2. Sautê sausagê, onions and pêppêrs until thê sausagê is brownêd and thê vêgêtablê soft. Takê off hêat and lêt cool.
  3. In thê mêantimê add almond flour, salt, pêppêr and baking powdêr to a bowl and mix.
  4. In a sêparatê bowl bêat êggs, thên add 1/2 cup of thê chêêsê. Add to thê flour mixturê and mix wêll.
  5. Add coolêd sausagê mixturê and mix to combinê.
  6. Placê a piêcê of parchmênt papêr or a siliconê mat on a largê cookiê shêêt.
  7. ..................
  8. ...........................

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